Although this blog is only several months old, I've been at this
blog thing for over two years now. My
other blog is dedicated mostly to quilting and the randomness that is my life. I'll admit I haven't been a very active blogger over there. Oh, there are so many reasons why. Not the least of which is the
mess my life has become. In other words, that blog doesn't have many readers, but that's ok. I'm not very interesting! I've never received a bloggy award before...until now!
WooHoo! My friend
Maura awarded me this Bloggy this morning and I'm honored that she thought of me. I've known Maura for almost 17 years (OMG, really?!? That makes me feel so old!). We'd lost touch over the years, but through the miracle of Facebook, we've found each other again. She is also the mother of two small boys and oh the stories she tells! There is never a dull moment in that woman's life and now you can all follow along on her adventures as well, because she had a new blog going,
36x37. She wants to do 36 new to her things by her 37th birthday. See? That's just how this woman's brain works. She is the definition of cool. I heart her. I really do.
Alright, I'm done making out with Maura now, let's move on to this cool award. Pretty hip, eh?
The rules:
~ Acknowledge and link to the blogger who presented you with the award.
~ Give the award to at least 3 of your favorite mom bloggers
Drumroll, please!
Kris ~ Kris is an amazing woman blogging over at
Eclipsed. Escaping the Shadow of Obesity. She is a fellow homeschooling mom and she's a Twilight Fanatic. I know, we could be twins, right? Kris has not only lost
almost 55 pounds since Thanksgiving, but she's done so with so much grace and style. I find so much inspiration in her words.
Green Smoothie Queen ~ The Queen has been one of my
biggest cheerleaders since day one. She's a huge source of inspiration to so many out in blogworld. I offer this award as a small token of thanks for all of the support and encouragement you've given me through this crazy adventure!
Ann ~ I've saved the best for last. Ann & I met on the internet a few years ago on a site that has absolutely nothing to do with food, smoothies, health or weightloss. We met on a board about living a frugal life. Off the board, and through our blogs, we've discovered that pinching pennies is not the only thing we have in common and I consider her to be a dear dear friend. We've never actually met in person, but we do hope to change that someday SOON (don't we, Ann?). I am so proud of everything that she has accomplished over the last few years, both in her physical health and her spiritual health. I'm honored to call her a friend. I love you girl, from the bottom of my heart!